Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am retreating from humanity, the vision of escape has conquered
and I know at last oblivion is thorough,
that time can be a symbol of defeat.
In fantasy, we loved, were loved, had lived a thousand lives
and walked through savage ages, hand in hand,
picking our way through the tops of trees and stepping over water,
but I am not divine tonight, my friend, I am weak,
alone and tired as I view infinity through windows into
dark, reflecting what is here within the room I momentarily inhabit,
or gaze at mirrors holding images of illusion.
My visions are a luminous gestation, casting long light
over what may, or may not come: for prophecy
is often false.
I see your visions too, my friend, and harbor pain which is not
secular, but saints have clever knees;
my callouses are more apt behind,
or worn out feet, from stumbling.
I think of little children, and I am aware
that morning is a gift that I am thankful for.
Look, day breaks brilliantly and time is now
too young for Hamlet's Ghost:
he has been here and been here violently,
but he is Hamlet's Ghost (or any other shade of time),
not mine.

© 2010 Charlotte Merrill Jensen

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