Saturday, November 13, 2010


We are our long, ulterior attitudes, which seem
about the slant of half past five in ailing light,
when habit is the skeleton, the wall
erected out of custom.

We are as grim as shrouds,
definitive as death
or stripped bare trees which grow
within in stark and raving winter:
we equivocate,
glib tongues dance in fat quadrilles:
but still
we hear within the silver syllables,
the labials, the undulant song
that shapes a secret world,
as if
some pagan beast in myth
had moaned his beauty into notes of love and fear.

We hear
this song, as palpable as kisses,
but we are mute as graven images:
we are the pointed tears of willows weeping
over old graves.

© 2010 Charlotte Merrill Jensen

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